The Directorate of Research


The Directorate of Research at Pentecostal Life University serves as a central administrative unit responsible for overseeing and supporting research activities across various disciplines. The primary goal is to promote and facilitate high-quality research among faculty, students, and staff.

Functions of the Directorate


1. Research Strategy and Planning

Developing and implementing a strategic plan for research that aligns with the university's mission and goals and Malawi 2063 agenda. This involves setting research priorities, identifying emerging areas of interest, and establishing long-term research objectives..


2. Grant and Funding

Assisting researchers in identifying funding opportunities, preparing grant proposals, and managing the financial aspects of research projects. This includes supporting applications for external research grants and coordinating internal funding programs..


3. Ethical Oversight

Ensuring that research conducted within the university adheres to ethical standards and regulatory requirements. This includes obtaining necessary approvals for research involving human subjects, animals, or sensitive data.


4. Research Policy Development

Developing and implementing policies related to research conduct, intellectual property, data management, and other relevant areas. These policies help ensure consistency and compliance with legal and ethical standards.


5. Collaboration and Partnerships

Facilitating collaboration and partnerships with other universities, research institutions, industry partners, and government agencies. This helps in leveraging expertise, resources, and funding for collaborative research initiatives.


6. Research Support Services

Offering support services to researchers, such as assistance with project management, data analysis, and technology transfer. This includes providing training and workshops on research-related topics.


7. Monitoring and Evaluation

Establishing mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating the progress and impact of research activities. This involves assessing the quality and outcomes of research projects and reporting on research performance.



8. Dissemination of Research Findings

Supporting the dissemination of research findings through publications, conferences, and other channels. This includes managing the university's research repository and promoting the visibility of research outputs.


9. Undergraduate and Postgraduate Research Support

Supporting undergraduate and postgraduate (graduate and doctoral) students in their research activities, including supervision, training, and resources.


46 Lecturers


7265 Students


29.0 Programmes


10 Years Exp.